When you’re in the middle of your orthodontic therapy, it can be difficult to believe that one day, those braces will come off! Everyone reminds you to focus on the results of that beautiful smile you’ll have in the end. That can be challenging no matter if you’re an adult, teenager, or preteen.
But once those braces are off, your orthodontic therapy isn’t complete. So, take a deep breath and realize the next step is simply to insure all that work your teeth and jawbone just went through stays in place. Think of it as putting a clear coat over a freshly painted car.
To keep all that beautiful work the braces did to get your teeth straightened, your professional orthodontist will fit you for a retainer. The retainers are as essential as the braces, but fortunately, in most cases, they aren’t worn as long of a time as the braces.
Different Retainers for Different Patient Needs
There are different types of dental retainers, each having a specific purpose. Your orthodontist will choose the retainer that is right for you in completing your orthodontic therapy. The factors that are considered for which retainer is the best choice for you are based on the results of your orthodontic therapy to-date, your oral hygiene regime, and if grinding your teeth is a natural habit.
Another factor, but not the deciding factor is your preference. Adding all these factors, your orthodontist will determine which retainer type is the better choice for you specifically. Not every patient will have the same retainer, some wear them less time and others a longer time.
The Three Basic Retainer Types
There are several types of retainers, but the three most popular are:
Whichever retainer your orthodontist with Alexandria Orthodontics chooses for you, it is important to follow the orthodontist instructions in wearing the unit and maintain proper dental hygiene. This portion of your orthodontic therapy will keep your teeth aligned as the braces have positioned.
How Long Will You Wear a Retainer?
The time you’ll need to wear your retainer will depend on the original dental issue and the results of wearing the braces. Not every patient and not every retainer will follow the same schedule, but the typical schedule is something along these lines and start after the braces are removed:
Three to Six Months: Most patients with removeable retainers are prescribed to wear them for a total of 22 hours each day. They are only removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. You’ll have regular orthodontic appointments for your orthodontist to track the progress. If all is progressing as needed, they may reduce the wearing time to overnight only.
First 2 Years: After the initial full-time schedule, patients are usually instructed to wear overnight only.
Third Year and beyond: Now, you’ll be able to leave your retainer out more often, but your orthodontist will recommend a minimum amount of time to be worn. This is to keep all that hard work in place! Some patients won’t have to wear a retainer at all after the first 2 years. Again, the original dental issue, the results of the braces, and your oral hygiene will make that decision for the orthodontist.

How Long Do Retainers Last?
Your diligence in your dental hygiene and care of the retainer will determine the lifespan. Both removable types of retainers we mentioned can last for years if proper dental hygiene and proper retainer care is followed. The average lifespan is between 5 and 10 years. The permanent retainer can last decades with proper dental hygiene.