Not that long ago, getting braces was a thing that every teenager dreaded. It meant getting a mouth full of ugly gray metal and have sore teeth and gums for days. About the time soreness eased, it was time for an appointment where the bands and wires were adjusted and tightened, starting the soreness all over again.

As if the pain and ugliness wasn’t enough ‘torture’, there were restrictions on what you could eat and drink. Not just for one day either. For most teens it was four long years. During those four years, there were rubber bands, headgear, and/or neckgear to ‘accessorize’ your metal mouth. Then there was the year afterward, you wore a removeable retainer.

Orthodontist working on child's braces

How Times Have Changed!

If that sounds miserable, it was, but the end results gave you a beautiful smile, just in time for your senior picture. Today, technology has changed a lot of things in our daily lives, and that includes orthodontics and braces.

Those traditional wire braces are now more discreet and streamlined, although the routine appointments with adjustments and tightening still exist. Then there is another option in orthodontic treatment that has a huge following of patients. Not just teens either, but adults that never had the ‘pleasure’ of being a ‘metal mouth’ in their teen years can benefit from this too.

Boy smiling at the Orthodontist

The Invisible Aligner

What are we talking about? The invisible aligner. The invisible aligner is invisible braces, more commonly referred to as clear aligners. They are made with clear plastic that is custom fitted to each patient’s teeth and slowly shift the teeth into proper position as planned by the orthodontist.

Most patients are instructed to wear their invisible aligners between 20 hours per day and all day, removing them only to eat and brush their teeth. Even though they are virtually invisible, many patients don’t want to wear them in public.
For those patients, the orthodontist will give them a 10-hour schedule for overnight wear. The less they are worn, the longer it may take to achieve the final appearance. The following are answers to some frequent questions, like why can some patients wear invisible aligners but not other patients?

What Do Orthodontist Do
  • What Orthodontic Problems Will Invisible Aligners Correct?

    Dental crowding is the popular reason orthodontist choose invisible aligners for their patients. Because invisible aligners are removable versus braces which are anchored to the teeth, a patient with bite or jaw alignment would not be a good candidate for them.

  • How Long Is Treatment with Invisible Aligners?

    Invisible aligner treatment is the same as traditional braces, which is dependent on what the patient needs. Some orthodontic problems can be solved in under a year, some take up to 2 years or longer. The patient’s diligence in wearing the invisible aligner is a big part in the time it takes too.

  • Can Adults Benefit From Invisible Aligners?

    Absolutely! In fact, invisible aligners are a great option for any adults that need orthodontic work because they are invisible. Get that beautiful smile with straight teeth without the visible bands and wires is better option for adults.

  • What Should A Patient Expect With the Treatment?

    Invisible aligners work in stage, starting with the orthodontist taking a 3D image and designing the treatment plan from start to finish. Then a series of custom designed aligners are manufactured, with the first one installed in the orthodontist office. Afterward, they are shipped to the patient where you replace them every 2 weeks. There are still routine appointments for progress check-ups, but not in the same number of appointments that metal braces require.

Differences Between A Dentist and An Orthodontist

Still Not Sure Invisible Aligners Are for You?

If you have been considering orthodontic treatment for your teen or yourself, make that call today to schedule a consultation. After an exam, the orthodontist will advise you if you’re a candidate for the invisible aligners or if the traditional wire braces are the better solution. This will be the time to have all your concerns and questions answered by a professional.

We can’t wait to help you get the smile of your dreams!