Protect your investment

Teeth can shift (relapse) at any point after the removal of orthodontic appliances so a good teeth retainer plan is very important to avoid this. Braces are intended to create a permanent “fix”, and they do, however, the teeth are still in movement mode. A retainer is needed to hold them in place until that natural movement stops.

Basic plan fees: The 1st replacement essix set is $250 ($125 per arch). All future sets will be full price $400.

Basic plan: As a comprehensive orthodontic patient at Alexandria Orthodontics, you are given one set of removable retainers as part of the treatment. The two removable retainers that we fabricate are:

  • Hawley Retainers
  • Essix (Clear) Retainers

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As an orthodontic patient at Alexandria Orthodontics, you are given one set of removable retainers as part of the treatment. The two removable retainers that we fabricate are:

Essix (Clear) Retainers

These retainers for teeth are made in house and are preferred due to their esthetics and ability to keep the teeth straight. Indications for essix retainers are: spaces, rotations, correctly tipped teeth, grinding/parafunction and quick retention. They can also be utilized for very small movements

Hawley Retainers

These traditional teeth retainers use a stainless steel bow with clearance for new adult teeth to come in. Reasons we would give a Hawley retainer include: finishing an interceptive treatment, minor tooth movements, and for settling of back teeth over time. They require lab fabrication and can take up to 2 weeks for fabrication after the impression.

What’s not included in our comprehensive patient treatment?

Fixed Retainers

Fixed teeth retainers are known as permanent retainers and are placed behind the teeth. They are not included in the comprehensive treatment and are recommended based on the initial position of the teeth before treatment.

Begin your journey today and start smiling!

At Alexandria Orthodontics, we offer FREE, No Obligation Consultations – call 703-780-1418 or book online

Basic plan fees

The 1st replacement essix set is $250 ($125 per arch). All future sets will be full price $400

Extended Plans

*Please note that any of the fees above are subject to change

Everyone’s teeth are different, and so is their orthodontic treatment. We’d be happy to answer any questions you have about braces, so just give us a call or stop by!

Four key things that orthodontic retainers will do:

Retainers for Teeth
  • Stabilizes the Bite: After the braces are removed, the bone and soft tissue that surround your teeth will need to adapt to the new positioning of your teeth. While you’ve been wearing braces, they have been slowly moved into a new position and the invisalign retainer will minimize the possibility of them relapsing or shifting back to where they were originally.

  • Keeps Space Available: The largest group of patients wearing braces are preteens and teenagers. The body is still developing during those years, including the teeth. These are the years that wisdom teeth start erupting through the gums and orthodontic teeth retainers will keep the jaw space open that is needed for new and wisdom teeth. Without wearing a retainer, the planned space will fill in with existing teeth, causing overcrowding.

  • Prevents Reversal: Without an orthodontic retainer, the teeth will return to their original position over a few months. An orthodontic retainer prevents this from happening. Some patients only need their retainer for a few months, others may need theirs a couple of years. One year is the average time most are required to wear their retainers.

  • Gums and Jaw Bones Are Aligned: During the time you’re wearing braces, the teeth move easily, but the gums and jaw bones take longer. The orthodontic retainer helps to accelerate that alignment and stabilizes the bite. Retainers for your teeth are an essential part of the process and treatment.

You need to be comfortable with the appliance and able to wear it as instructed. Your orthodontic treatment is only going to be as successful as your ability and diligence in following your orthodontist’s instructions.